Friday, February 13, 2009


Even though I had to miss class on Wednesday, which I am upset about because I hate missing classes, but I had to. Anyways, I did do the readings for class that day and I know I only got a fraction of what was most likely talked about in class, but I do feel I have a more understanding on insiders/outsiders views and about native American's and what it is like to be either an "insider" or an "outsider" based on the readings. Now, the readings for next week's class, which I am writing a questioning the text paper on the Bronx Masquerade. Before reading this book I had no idea what it was going to be about, what it was, the author, I really had never heard of any of it before. So I was very open to what I was about to read. I read the book in about two days. I thought it was an easy read, but it was also very very interesting. I related to almost every character in a way. The character I related to the most though was Janelle. I felt or have felt everything she described before in the book. I also really enjoyed how much the students got into the poem readings. In one of my classes in high school we did slam poems and similar to like what we did in our class where we each read our poems out loud we learned more about each other and learned we were more then just 'classmates.' I really enjoyed also how Tyrone who seemed to be lost until he found himself enjoying school and the poems, how he commented on the students poems after they read. That really added something to his character as well as the overall concept of the book. Also with all the diversity in the classroom, each background brought something else as well. The class room had all different races and cultures. I am looking forward to writing my questioning the text paper, I hope it goes smoothly! 

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