Although this does not have anything to do with technology, it is my blog so I can post whatever during this time to..I hope. Anyways this is extremely random but I have been reading some tweets on Twitter from random people and everyone seems to be talking about their dogs or puppies or that they just got one! It makes me miss my dog so much! I do not have a dog up here at school where I live, but my family does at home and she is the best dog. I am obsessed with her. I recently was watching a show on Animal Planet where these poor dogs and other animals are suffering at the hands of their owners. Chained up with no food or water for weeks. It is awful what some of these animals go through and it really brings me to tears. I just hate to see them suffer like that for no reason. I also am trying to slowly come off eating animals. I know some of them are bred just to be killed and then eaten so they don't really suffer but lately I am not really okay with that either. I am slowly trying to eat less meat and less meat because I just feel so bad for those poor things. I have completely stopped eating anything that comes from a pig. Cows I am working on and I do still eat chicken. I do not like anything that swims though or comes from the ocean, yuck! Anyways it just was so sad to see these poor helpless animals suffer like that, when it doesn't need to be done. I feel like if you cannot afford to take care of an animal the RIGHT way, do not get one! It is as simple as that people. Also because I am really into animals and keeping them around at least trying to (there are way to many on the endangered species list) I could also incorporate that into my classroom. Through projects and getting involved. That would be a great way to get the students thinking about other things that can be related to school and saving the planet. Well after this rant, here are some pictures of my dog and my uncles dog (who I am also obsessed with and want to keep)This is my dog, Maxey.
This is my Uncle's Dog, Beau.
I miss my dog something awful as well =(